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Ongoing search engine optimisation (SEO)

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Long-term visibility on Google & Co.

with our search engine optimisation service.

You want a high ranking in the most popular search engines? We can help you achieve this with a range of search engine optimisation (SEO) measures.

Ongoing SEO support is tailored to your needs and wishes: you decide on our monthly hours, and we work within that time budget to ensure relevant searches find your website and you are equipped for changing circumstances. We provide a comprehensive and customised search engine optimisation service: in addition to on-page & off-page optimisation, we also examine technical potential for your website.

Everything for your hotel online marketing.

You want to get started right away?

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One-off keyword & status quo analysis

We analyse your SEO potential and find important keywords for you.

Off-page optimisation

We also keep on top of SEO measures outside of your website.

On-page optimisation

We optimise relevant content on and technical aspects of your website.

Monthly reports

A monthly report ensures you can follow achievements closely.

Our Online Birds brand promises are always part of the package

100% hotel industry

Holistic online marketing specifically for the hotel industry

Knowledge & experience market leader

More than 10 years' experience in the marketing of tomorrow

Individual advice

from more than 50 specially trained online marketing experts

We are a trusted partner of Europe's leading hotels.

Below you will find selected references for ongoing SEO support

  • All
  • Individual hotel
  • Luxury hotel industry
  • Chains & Groups

Everything for your hotel online marketing.

You want to get started right away?

Arrange an initial consultation now


Everything you need to know about ongoing search engine optimisation

When will I start to see results?

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a long-term measure that leads to greater visibility in organic search results. You will start to see success after about 4-6 months.

How many hours do I need per month?

How many hours are required will depend on the scale of your website and your objectives. We can advise you individually on your specific needs.

What has the greatest impact?

It is important to consider all three key aspects in search engine optimisation: on-page, off-page and technical optimisation. We invest most of our time in optimising the content of the website and its readability (on-page / technical), as this is where we see the greatest leverage. Professional adjustments to content can achieve significant improvements in the ranking of important keywords.

Why is technical SEO important?

Technical SEO ensures that website content can be read by search engines. Even the best content has no influence on ranking if it cannot be read by the crawlers (such as Google).

Relax. We know what you need (and why)

We are ready to go. Are you?

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